Support Worker

Meet Mark; His favourite pastime is attending gigs but he’s been to so many now he’s down to a strict bucket list of artists that he still need to see! Mark love a quiz and am part of a weekly quiz team which aren’t doing very well at the minute to be honest. He is quite a collector of different things including hobbies! Current hobby is attempting to learn the keyboard. Mark collects records, books, board games, retro videogames and top trumps to name a few.

In his current role at a Primary School, his favourite part of the job is providing a duty of care and getting to know people on an individual basis. Hearing about the work Autism Matters does, he just thought well, “why not work for a place where the favourite part of my job is the focus of this new role.”

Growing up the person that inspire Mark was Eminem, still love him today and it was the rags to riches story. Managing to achieve what he has from the background he came from is a fairytale really but it happened. Now Mark’s a bit older it’s more boring but Kurt Vonnegut. He has so many quotes that resonate with me and altered how Mark lives.

Mark’s favourite film is 8 Mile because of Eminem….and anything Spiderman.

Fun fact; Mark named one of his dogs after Eminem, Marshall!