Our mission is to support Actually Autistic adults to be themselves without judgement or fear.
Founder, Anna Taylor is on a mission. When establishing Autism Matters in 2012, she knew that there were many support services for Autistic children, but very little to support adults. “So I asked Autistic adults what they wanted and together we designed a service exclusively for them.” They told me that they wanted a place that was safe to be who they are, without judgement and having to fit into anyones expectations of them.
Autism Matters was created, together with Autistic adults and staff who they trusted and chose to support them. We were led by their ideas and needs for access to social activities. First service we created was our social support groups. Then came our short breaks, then we added our 1-2-1 PA support service. We now have additional support with work experience, called Autism Angels, and access to the therapy service. New planned additions are our podcast and in development is a diagnostic clinic.
Anna, Lynne, and the AM HQ team have created a unique charity where Autistic adults access a wide range of support. We help them on their journey through life. Full of inspiring, and unique services designed by people who use those services. One member of our trustees is Autistic. He is supporting AM to always develop and provide support that is focused on identity first.
Everything we do, is individualised, as no two Autistic people are the same. Some of our members find things more challenging than others.
The team at AM HQ are full of energy, accepting and inclusive so becoming part of our journey, inspires you to fulfil your purpose, or just be who you need to be!
We believe you will find your tribe here at AMHQ.
Autism should not be inspiring sympathy and gloom, far from it! Autistic adults are neurodiverse, and part of our species evolution – Anna Taylor