Social Group Manager

Meet Paul; our new Social Group Manager!

Much of Paul’s spare time is spent renovating his house into a colourful, comfortable, calm and creative space! On the flip side of this role, Paul is also an artist and community artist, working with various groups to make creative things happen!
Outside of this, he loves being outside and exploring new places. On a free weekend, you can often find Paul at a national trust property looking for all ferns appearing on the walls of the buildings!
He love cooking and eating with friends and family and enjoys trips away with them all!

Something Paul loves about Autism Matters is the ‘let’s make it happen’ approach to things. Anna & Lynne’s passion for the people involved was evident in their very first conversation, so Paul wanted to be part of that and grow with this amazing place!

Paul has worked in various support and creative roles over the years, and he has supported, worked alongside and befriended many people who are autistic and/or neurodivergent over this time. No two people are the same, and that’s the same with people who are autistic. He loves getting to know people and finding out what makes them tick!

Paul states that the person he admires and who inspires him is Brene Brown, as he always come back to her work. She explores shame, vulnerability and the ethos of trying to do something and getting back up after a fall. Paul read her first book ‘The Gifts of Imperfection’ about nine years ago, and he’s been hooked ever since!

Paul’s favourite film is Little Miss Sunshine