Support Worker

Meet Sam; he spends most of his time hanging out with friends playing video games, Dungeons & Dragons and Magic: The Gathering and he’s always listening to one fantasy book or another. If there is something nerdy, Sam probably has done or wants to do it. Though he’s a massive nerd and tech enthusiast, there is nothing Sam loves more than the outdoors. he’s at my happiest when in the middle of a forest.

Being able to help other people has always made Sam happy and he loves developing connections with and learning about a variety of different people. He’s inspired by people like Brandon Sanderson and Brenan Lee Mulligan because they are unapologetically passionate about their interests and both work to be open minded and selfless people. Sam has worked with Young Autistic People his entire working life, both in a school and a youth work setting. He also has friends who are autistic, including my wonderful partner.

Sam’s favourite films are romance and family drama films. Particularly ones that can be quite dark and sad but have an uplifting message in the end. But he can always be tempted by a cheesy ‘chick flick’.