Our weekly social support groups for Autistic adults are user led, providing up to 5 sessions a week, for up to 50 weeks of the year. Many Autistic adults find themselves socially isolated. We create opportunities to meet new people, make friends and learn new skills.
Our aim for this group is to make a real and positive difference to the lives of the people we support by providing person centred community activities. We believe that the people using our services should be supported to take charge of their lives and to move forward on their life journey reaching their personal goals. Our groups are small and personal, with maximum numbers set per session, tailored to meet individual needs and planned well in advance. AM HQ provide full support where it is actually needed.
Autistic adults make all of the decisions about what the group does and the activities delivered.
If you would like to find out more about us, how to make a referral and our costs view our FAQs.
Attended my first social group session last night and I really it enjoyed it because the members made me feel welcome and apart of the group and the staff are absolutely fantastic. Can’t wait to do more sessions with Autism Matters Newcastle!