Awards and Cake!

By Admin - Autism Matters News

We are not a charity that has ever gone for glory, seeks out awards and blows our own trumpets. In fact for over 10 years, very few people had ever heard of us!

This year we have been nominated for 3 of them, won one, not shortlisted for another, and shortlisted for another, (still awaiting the outcome).

We are naturally delighted by the external validation and recognition, and can see the true value of awards is not just a symbol of all our hard work, but the communication and connections, the opportunities to positively influence and promote Autistic views, and the collaboration opportunities they bring.

For those of you who have been with us on our journey, from humble beginnings, learning together what works, and what didn’t. For those who saw us failing, then building, and failing again, then learning and developing systems, becoming who we are today…..I thank each and every one of you.

Because you are our success, the journey is far greater than any reward we could receive.

We have been present throughout many of our Autistic members triumphs and life changes. Members who moved to supported living, or living independently. Members who bought their own homes, passed their driving tests. Members who took their first flight, or their first night away from home. Members who lost loved ones, and a member we sadly lost. Some members moved away and then returned to us, some moved on and didn’t need us, but through it all we have felt their joy, their pain, their frustrations and their fears with them, we’ve been part of their journey, as they have been part of ours.

Awards are amazing to receive, and to us are the icing on the cake, not the driving force of our endeavours.

Talking of the icing on the cake, why not join us for cake (we love cake), at our open day/Christmas fair on Saturday 2nd December at our HQ and our new Autism Angels building. Save the date.

Oh and wish us luck in the Tees Business Charity awards on Thursday 28th September. If we win or don’t we will be having cake!

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