Social Media

By Admin - Autism Matters News

Hello again from AMHQ. This month we are focusing on Social Media. We have been using Facebook forever, and will continue to do so, as we have a large loyal following. By the way if you are not yet following us on Facebook, please do! It’s one of the best ways to keep up to date with what’s going on for us.

However, I have found myself getting just a little bit addicted to reels and stories, and video content online. So we are embracing some additional platforms on Social Media and have opened up a new Instagram account and a Tik Tok account! Expect to see a lot more video content from us in the future.

Why not follow us on Instagram and Tik Tok for more behind the scenes content at AMHQ and live updates from our services. It’s still early days for us, but we absolutely love sharing our stuff with you.

Here’s what we look like on Tik Tok

Here’s what we look like on Instagram

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